Portfolio Company Spotlight
A feature on a Closed Loop Partners investment

Protecting Pharmaceuticals, Meal Kits and More

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TemperPack manufactures fully recyclable thermal packaging used to ship perishable goods such as food and pharmaceuticals. Their patented technology is displacing toxic polystyrene packaging.

In 2019, TemperPack made its biggest strides yet making a positive impact on the environment. In partnership with customers, including HelloFresh, Misfits Market and Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy, the insulation protected over 18 million shipments last year.

Another 2019 highlight includes the expansion of the Las Vegas facility. The team installed a new machine for manufacturing ClimaCell, which nearly doubles manufacturing capacity, allows for supply redundancy and facilitates quality customer service on the West Coast.

Impact and Accolades

7x throughput of material post-installation of Kraft Loop machine, financed by the Closed Loop Infrastructure Fund

18x less CO2e emitted in the manufacturing process of ClimaCell over Styrofoam

3 million cubic feet of plastic foam diverted from landfills, equivalent to 34 Olympic-sized swimming pools

TemperPack earned the “Widely Recyclable” designation from How2Recycle.

Looking Ahead

TemperPack is increasing the impact across the life sciences industry. With a growing stable of customers in the space today and more companies in the specialty pharmacy, genetic diagnostics, biologic medicines and pharmaceutical logistics sectors to seek out alternatives to plastic foam.

For more information about TemperPack, please visit their website.

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