Advancing Circular Systems for Plastics & Packaging

At Closed Loop Partners, we envision a waste-free future for plastics and packaging. We need a system that’s consciously designed to use fewer materials in the production and delivery of products and that keeps materials in circulation at their highest value for as many generations as possible, if not infinitely. 

Our Multi-Faceted Approach

Building a Circular Economy for Plastics & Packaging

Reduce the Extraction of Fossil Fuels

Utilize recycled materials over virgin inputs and develop climate-friendly alternative materials.

Scale Innovative Alternative Materials & Reuse Systems to Prevent Waste

Explore innovative alternative materials. Grow reuse, refill and resale business models to keep valuable materials in play.

Collaborate with Diverse Stakeholders

Work collaboratively with policymakers, consumers, businesses and others to encourage sustainable systems.

Invest in Recovery Infrastructure to Capture Materials

Optimize materials recovery facilities and molecular recycling technologies, among others, to capture existing plastic waste.

Sustain Markets for Recycled & Climate-Friendly Materials

Invest in company and product innovation that uses recycled or climate-friendly alternative materials.

Our Investments

Our Pre-Competitive Collaborations

Our Activities